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III EDITION D10! Circus Training and Innovation Meeting
Year 2018 in which Pistacatro hosts the III Edition of D10! Meeting of Training and Innovation in Circus in Santiago de Compostela.

Programme (from the 21st to the 30th of November 2018):

The Circus actor, for a creative training. Taught by Roberto Magro. 21st and 22nd of November.                                                                                     A workshop that delves into what it means to be a circus performer, a circus author, theatrical research in circus and what circus writing means.

Microbatics. Acrodance. With Winston Reynolds. 24 and 25 November

Attracting audiences in the Performing Arts. With Mirem Martín. 26th and 27th November.

FUTURO ANIMAL. Twinsting the Balance Company. Political Circus. 30th November.