Circus-Dance-Improvisational Theatrical InstallationMultiperpectives by Paula Quintas is an original and novel proposal that starts from the spectator’s perspective as a contemporary reflection.
It combines Circus, Dance and Theatrical Improvisation, leaving space for interaction with the audience. A proposal that experiments with the limits of the performing arts to confront the reality of the space that surrounds us: the limits between the private and the public.
MULTIPERSPECTIVAS is a research from an academic and performative work entitled “Philosophy and aesthetics of the body in choreographed circus: multidisciplinary and transversal perspectives, between the dialogues between dance and circus and the new scenic complexities”, presented as a dissertation by the Universidade Rey Juan Carlos, in 2020. The installation arises from the practical need for action and the spectator’s perspective as a contemporary reflection.
Show subsidised by the Axencia Galega das Industrias Culturais
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